Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Good Words from Begg

Alistair Begg on Hebrews 12:1 ("Therefore we also, since we surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.")

Begg comments that as we run the race of our Christian life we have to remove whatever slows us down ("let us lay aside every weight"). The following is a paraphrase of his comments:

The things that slow us down may be completely allowable - good things in and of themselves - but they weigh us down and keep us from our objective. Most of us are not deterred by prolonged sinfulness, but by the toleration of the allowable, innocent, and praiseworthy things which we have unwittingly allowed to divert us from the objective of being there at the end (and being found a good and faithful servant).

Some examples of these weights are family life (churches should be God-centered and not family-centered), diligence in business, an interest in theology, reading good literature, and gardening.

Good words from Pastor Begg! The list of good things that can keep us from the better thing could go on and on. You and I could add dozens of things to the list, I'm sure. What's on your list? It's definitely something to think about.

If you want to listen to the sermon, it's here.


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