Sunday, May 13, 2007

For your listening (or watching) enjoyment

Basics 2007 - a pastor's conference sponsored by Parkside Church in Cleveland, Ohio (whose pastor is Alistair Begg) - happened last week. Audio and vidoe are availble here.

It's a conference for pastors and most of the sessions are designed that way, but anyone could benefit from what's preached and taught (I know I certainly did, especially the challenge to be faithful in preaching God's Word). If you're not a pastor and have always wondered what actually goes on at such conferences, here's your chance to find out.

Alistair gives an update on his health in the introduction - please don't skip it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

my name is Heather and I was doing a Google search and found your blog. I don't know how to use this exactly, so forgive me if this comment is out of place. I was reading an entry from Nov. 7, 2006 (or something like that) about John Bunyan, a list of symptoms of complacent Christians. I have been trying to find which work of John Bunyan this is in. If you remember, please let me know. My e-mail is

10:29 AM  
Blogger Pastor Larry said...


Thanks for your comment! I can't remember where the Bunyan quote came from. I'll check it out. It's possible that I heard it from someone like Alistair Begg and copied it down.

Pastor Larry

8:56 PM  

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