Christmas Book Recommendations
The first is Christ in Christmas: A Family Advent Celebration. It includes hymns, prayers, passages of Scripture, Christmas carols, and questions (among other things) to make the Advent season more meaningful. James Boice, James Dobson, R.C. Sproul, and Chuck Swindoll all contributed to this book.
The second is God With Us: The Miracle of Christmas by John MacArthur. He's concerned that we're losing Christmas, and this book is an attempt to regain it and clear up some of the fog that surrounds it. MacArthur's chapters include the identity of the wise men, those who missed Christmas, whether or not the virgin birth is really that important, and the incarnation.
The third is The Passion of Jesus Christ: Fifty Reasons Why He Came to Die by John Piper. This book may seem like a strange choice, but it isn't. It's a logical choice because Jesus came, not to stay a baby in a manger, but to save His people from their sins (which by necessity included His death). Piper makes clear the reason for Christ's entry into human history as God incarnate.
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