Monday, October 23, 2006

John Calvin on the Lord's Prayer - Part 4

Thy will be done as in heaven so also on earth.

"By this petition we ask that altogether as it is done in heaven, so alos on earth he may rule and guide everything according to his good will, leading all things to such issue as shall seem good to him, and subjecting all wills to himself. And by asking that, we implicitly renounce all our desires, resigning and promising to the Lord all that which there is of affections in us, praying him to lead things not according to our wish, but as he knows it to be well for us. And even we ask that he not only make vain and of no effect those desires of ours that are contrary to his will, but even more that he create in us new spirits and new hearts, extinguishing and annihilating ours, so that no movement of greed may arise in us, but only a pure consent to his will. In brief, that we wish nothing from ourselves, but that his Spirit may will in us, through whose inspiration we may learn to love all things pleasing him and to hate and to detest all that which displeases him." (Instruction in Faith, p. 61)


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