Saturday, October 21, 2006

John Calvin on the Lord's Prayer - Part 2

Hallowed be Thy name.

"The name of God is the renown whereby he is celebrated among men for his virtues, as are his wisdom, goodness, might, justice, truth, mercy. We ask therefore that this majesty be sanctified in such virtues of his, not that his majesty may increase or decrease in itself, but that it may be esteemed as holy by all, that is to say, that it may be truly acknowledged and magnified and that (whatever God may do) all his workings may appear glorious as they truly are. So that, if he punishes, he may be held as just; if he forgives, he may be held as merciful; if he accomplishes his promises, he may be held as veracious. In sum, that there may be altogether nothing in which his glory be not as engraved and resplendent, so that praises to him may resound in all spirits and on all tongues." (Instruction in Faith, p. 60)


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